After consulting with our clients and establishing clear requirements, we design, and recommending a solution to meet those specific needs.
Our design and innovation approach is risk averse for our clients. Integrating Telephony, DECT, Nursecall, Duress, Building Management, Data and WiFi systems can be an expensive and challenging exercise. Too often we see integrations assumptions not properly tested prior to implementation. We have an extensive library of working integration solutions that we can reference in designing a bespoke solution. If we do not have evidence that an integration solution works – we clearly state same, and bench test where required and possible.
After the placement of you order, our experienced team begin meticulously planning the integration of the system(s) to create the solution we have offered.
As a business, we have over 20 years’ industry experience in integrating a range of technologies to create unified innovative solutions that work. The products we offer are selected because they are “world best” in design, inter-operability, quality and manufacturer support – at a fair, sensible price.
Our solutions development team comprises the most experienced technical and application specialists assembled in South Australia, with over 100 years of relevant industry knowledge between them, supported by our technical implementation team who are skilled in a broad range of technologies from older traditional systems through to the latest in IP offerings to over 500 businesses and 180 Aged and Health Care sites (at March 2017).
Customtel is uniquely positioned to successfully integrate a variety of applications into a seamless solution that meets each client’s individual needs – always with a “client first” focus and reasonable and fair pricing.